BS track round closed, 5.8 meters (19.02 feet)

Code: 3601001580

19.03ft (19.03)

Status: In Stock

Product details

Product details

For a more streamlined look or when space is at a premium, roman blinds that stack neatly at the top of the window when retracted are the perfect solution. With the Blind System - BS® of Forest a sleek natural look is provided for your interior. Various control options guarantee an easy and consistent operation of the roman blinds.

The Blind System - BS® is the most widely used and recognized roman blind in the industry. It comes with integrated velcro tape so that the fabric can be easily attached & removed. The system is always correctly alligned due to the twistlock on the cord roll support. For the ultimate convenience a motorized control option is possible. Operate the Blind System at the press of a button or by your smartphone.

For use in hotels, offices, residences, boats, campers, planes or anywhere an efficient Velcro track system for roman shades is required.

BS track information:

  • Extruded aluminium chromated white powder coated, with Velcro hook tape on front of the track.
  • Available length: 5.8 meters (19.02 feet).
  • Total maximum fabric weight: ± 7,5 Kg (6 LBS).
  • Component of the BS system (Forest Blind System).
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